Strangers On A Plane : Our New Channel 4 Daytime Series
Strangers on a Plane takes five competitors to a popular holiday destination where they battle it out to see who holidays best.

Each day one of them takes control of the holiday for 24 hours in a bid to prove they’re the host with the most. Although they have the same budget, they all have unique plans – so one person’s idea of holiday heaven could be another’s holiday hell.
Every day the guests judge how well the host has spent their budget to give the best day out, night out and hotel, as well as reviewing their hosting skills.
Each guest secretly awards stars to rate their host’s efforts, but their reviews are shared with the host immediately, and it’s the scathing comments that make the blood boil.
At the end of the week the host who tops the leaderboard wins a holiday with spending money.
The series will air daily at 5.30pm on Channel 4 from Monday 3 April.